What Every New Parent Should Know About Baby Sleep Training

Archive for the Baby FYI Category

What Every New Parent Should Know About Baby Sleep Training

Babies vary in their sleep habits. Some babies have little trouble falling asleep while others may require baby sleep training to develop a regular routine. If you’re a new mother, taking care of a baby of your own can be quite an adjustment, especially if your baby wakes up periodically during the night. A baby’s […]


Finding Favorable Foods To Eat While Breastfeeding

As a mom of two, I know the importance of healthy eating and following a proper diet during pregnancy, as well as foods to eat while breastfeeding. Consuming certain foods can either have a negative or positive effect on your health and your baby’s health while you are expecting and after delivery. It is extremely […]


The Crying Question – When Do Babies Sleep Through The Night?

If there’s one question any new parent is certain to ask within a few weeks, it is: When do babies sleep through the night? If you are like me, you ask this out of desperation, because you have realized it is going to be a long time before you get a decent night’s sleep. However, […]


10 Foods To Avoid While Breastfeeding

  Research has shown that certain foods may compromise the quality and quantity of breast milk. Therefore, as a new mother, you should know the foods to avoid while breastfeeding. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), breast milk contains several biologically active factors such as epidermal growth factor (EGF). In addition, breast milk […]


What Is Colic In Babies And How Do I Deal With It?

What is colic in babies? Unfortunately, doctors have no easy answer to this question. Colic is commonly defined as crying and fussiness that goes on for more than three hours a day for three or more days a week. It typically lasts anywhere from three to four months, although in some cases a baby may […]


The Benefits Of Breastfeeding: Why Breast Milk Is The Best For Your Baby

We all have heard about the benefits of breastfeeding, and new studies keep confirming how beneficial breast milk is to your baby. Research has shown that breast milk is a complete, unique form of nutrition that has more health benefits to infants than any other nutritional source. It is also now considered a better source […]


Your Infant Has Something To Tell You: Enjoy Better Communication Through Sign Language For Babies

    Why would new parents use sign language for babies who are too young to speak? New research by childcare experts suggests your baby can get a head start with communication skills before he or she utters that much-anticipated first word. Furthermore, using baby sign language offers additional benefits for parents, caregivers and family […]


Audio Development: The Importance Of Music For Babies

Playing music for babies is something that occurs naturally to many parents. How many of you remember your parents singing to you, or soothing a child with a gentle melody? Music seems to be an incidental part of growth for many, but it’s actually quite important for the development of a child. If you expose […]


Teething Troubles: When Do Babies Get Teeth

New parents often ask the question “when do babies get teeth – and what can I do to help the teething process?” The arrival of the baby’s first tooth is a big event, and the teething process is a significant part of the child’s first years of life. All babies do not get teeth at […]


How To Get A Baby To Sleep: What All New Parents Must Know

Figuring out how to get a baby to sleep can be one of the biggest challenges you will face as a new parent. It’s something that everyone talks about, but you don’t realize just how difficult and emotionally trying it can be until you are there yourself, pacing endlessly, as tired as you have ever […]